University of Library Studies and Information Technologies,
Sofia (Bulgaria) – COORDINATOR

The University of Library Studies and Information Technology (ULSIT) is a Bulgarian public university based in Sofia. It has two faculties: Faculty of Information Sciences and Faculty of Library Studies and Cultural Heritage. ULSIT conducts training for about 3000 students in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs in the following professional fields: Public Communications and Information Sciences; Informatics and Computer Sciences; Library Studies, Book Studies and Bibliography; Automated Data Processing and Management Systems, National Security, etc.
The social mission of ULSIT is to prepare highly qualified, socially responsible, personally motivated and adaptive to the labour market specialists. It has gained educational, scientific, technology and innovation capacity, able to get actively involved in the European Research and Innovation Area by implementing projects under Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ Programmes, as well as in other international projects, programmes and initiatives e.g. those financed by UNESCO and World bank funds. ULSIT has partnerships with many European research and educational centres and high technological companies especially in the field of Internet technologies, education technologies, cultural and creative industries, etc.
Contact person: Marina Encheva,